November 18, 2010

Today's Highly Accurate Weather Nomenclature

They tell us the current weather is unusual for November in Windhoek. It has been raining every day since last weekend. I have been able to dodge the rains until today when just as I was coming out of the Spar with a trolley (grocery cart) full of bags, the skies opened up. The young man who was helping me out with my groceries went to collect (as he called it) an umbrella and we made it out to the car and got everything loaded into the boot (trunk). But despite his kindness in providing an umbrella AND a cheerful attitude, we both got drenched in the process. I drove home in nearly flooded streets with many running in water up to the curb. Here’s what it looked like from our flat.

I did know to expect this, however, as I recently found a website that offers extensive weather information for Windhoek. This particular site has all kinds of esoteric scientific data in addition to its exceedingly accurate forecasts.

I checked it a day or two ago and was surprised to find this highly scientific nomenclature for today’s forecast: “Tons of rain”.

Sure enough.